cs161 su23 mid-term cheat sheet
stack layout and vulnerabilities
C memory layout
Code section: Machine code (raw bits) to be executed
Static section: Static variables
Heap section: Dynamically allocated memory (e.g. from malloc)
Stack section: Local variables and stack frames
x86 registers
EBP register points to the top of the current stack frame
ESP register points to the bottom of the stack
EIP register points to the next instruction to be executed
x86 calling convention
When calling a function, the old EIP (RIP) is saved on the stack
When calling a function, the old EBP (SFP) is saved on the stack
When the function returns, the old EBP and EIP are restored from the stack
calling convention
Push arguments on the stack
Push old eip (rip) on the stack
Move eip
Push old ebp (sfp) on the stack
Move ebp
Move esp
Execute the function
Move esp
Restore old ebp (sfp)
Restore old eip (rip)
Remove arguments from stack
struct/function arguement are in reversed order
exploit memory
stack smashing
format string
leak the value
useful tips:
%s → Treat the argument as an address and print the string at that address up until the first null byte
%n → Treat the argument as an address and write the number of characters that have been printed so far to that address
%c → Treat the argument as a value and print it out as a character
%x → Look at the stack and read the first variable after the format string
%[b]u → Print out [b] bytes starting from the argument
interger conversion:signed to unsigned
off-by-one/faked frame
other:vtable in C++
Memory-safe languages
Using a memory-safe language (e.g. Python, Java) stops all memory safety vulnerabilities.
Why use a non-memory-safe language?
Commonly-cited reason, but mostly a myth: Performance
Real reason: Legacy, existing code
Writing memory-safe code
Carefully write and reason about your code to ensure memory safety in a non-memory-safe language
Requires programmer discipline, and can be tedious sometimes
Building secure software
Use tools for analyzing and patching insecure code
Test your code for memory safety vulnerabilities
Keep any external libraries updated for security patches
Mitigation: Non-executable pages
Make portions of memory either executable or writable, but not both
Defeats attacker writing shellcode to memory and executing it
Return-to-libc: Execute an existing function in the C library
Return-oriented programming (ROP): Create your own code by chaining together small gadgets in existing library code
Mitigation: Stack canaries
Add a sacrificial value on the stack. If the canary has been changed, someone’s probably attacking our system
Defeats attacker overwriting the RIP with address of shellcode
An attacker can write around the canary
The canary can be leaked by another vulnerability (e.g. format string vulnerability)
The canary can be brute-forced by the attacker
Mitigation: Pointer authentication
When storing a pointer in memory, replace the unused bits with a pointer authentication code (PAC). Before using the pointer in memory, check if the PAC is still valid
Defeats attacker overwriting the RIP (or any pointer) with address of shellcode
Mitigation: Address space layout randomization (ASLR)
Put each segment of memory in a different location each time the program is run
Defeats attacker knowing the address of shellcode
Leak addresses with another vulnerability
Brute-force attack to guess the addresses
Combining mitigations
Using multiple mitigations usually forces the attacker to find multiple vulnerabilities to exploit the program (defense-in-depth)
Heap vulnerabilities
Heap overflow
Objects are allocated in the heap (using malloc in C or new in C++)
A write to a buffer in the heap is not checked
The attacker overflows the buffer and overwrites the vtable pointer of the next object to point to a malicious vtable, with pointers to malicious code
The next object’s function is called, accessing the vtable pointer
An object is deallocated too early (using free in C or delete in C++)
The attacker allocates memory, which returns the memory freed by the object
The attacker overwrites a vtable pointer under the attacker’s control to point to a malicious vtable, with pointers to malicious code
The deallocated object’s function is called, accessing the vtable pointer
Eve may choose plaintexts to send to Alice and receives their ciphertexts
Eve issues a pair of plaintexts M0 and M1 to Alice
Alice randomly chooses either M0 or M1 to encrypt and sends the encryption back
Alice does not tell Eve which one was encrypted!
Eve may again choose plaintexts to send to Alice and receives their ciphertexts
Eventually, Eve outputs a guess as to whether Alice encrypted M0 or M1
An encryption scheme is IND-CPA secure if for all polynomial time attackers Eve:
Eve can win with probability ≤ 1/2 + Ɛ, where Ɛ is negligible.
One-time pad + block cipher
CBC (IV, C1, …, Cm)
padding-PKCS #7 : Pad with the number of padding bytes
CTR (Nonce, C1, …, Cm) no padding
Map arbitrary-length input to fixed-length output
Output is deterministic and unpredictable
Security properties
One way: Given an output y, it is infeasible to find any input x such that H(x) = y.
Second preimage resistant: Given an input x, it is infeasible to find another input x' ≠ x such that H(x) = H(x').
Collision resistant: It is infeasible to find another any pair of inputs x' ≠ x such that H(x) = H(x').
Some hashes are vulnerable to length extension attacks
Application: Lowest hash scheme
Hashes don’t provide integrity (unless you can publish the hash securely)
Length extension attack: Given H(x) and the length of x, but not x, an attacker can create H(x || m) for any m of the attacker’s choosing
MAC;EU-CPA:existentially unforgeable: without the key, an attacker cannot create a valid tag on a message NMAC:NMAC(K1, K2, M)=H(K1 || H(K2 || M)) HMAC:H((K' ⊕ opad) || H((K' ⊕ ipad) || M))
Authenticated encryption (AE): A scheme that simultaneously guarantees confidentiality and integrity (and authenticity, depending on your threat model) on a message Encrypt-then-MAC:Enc(K1, M)+MAC(K2, Enc(K1, M)) or AEAD encryption modes designed to provide confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity
Randomness is essential for symmetric-key encryption,for eg random key or random IV
rue randomness requires sampling a physical process
Slow, expensive, and biased (low entropy)
PRNG: An algorithm that uses a little bit of true randomness to generate a lot of random-looking output
Seed(entropy): Initialize internal state
Generate(n): Generate n bits of pseudorandom output
Security: computationally indistinguishable from truly random bits
NOTE:if attacker know it's initial state so he can predict it
Example using AES in CTR mode
Application: UUIDs
Public key: Known to everybody
Private key: Only known by that person
Keys come in pairs: every public key corresponds to one private key
D-F key exchange
D-F problem:give g, p, g^a^ mod p, g^b^ mod p ; R and g^ab^ mod p Indistinguishable from the perspective of a polynomial time attacker
Alice chooses a and sends ga mod p to Bob
Bob chooses b and sends gb mod p to Alice
Their shared secret is (ga)b = (gb)a = gab mod p
Diffie-Hellman provides forwards secrecy: Nothing is saved or can be recorded that can ever recover the key
Diffie-Hellman can be performed over other mathematical groups, such as elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH)
Not secure against MITM
Both parties must be online
Does not provide authenticity
Semantic security (IND-CPA for public-key encryption)
Hybrid encryption: Encrypt data under a randomly generated key K using symmetric encryption, and encrypt K using asymmetric encryption
digital signatures
KeyGen() → PK, SK: Generate a public/private keypair, where PK is the verify (public) key, and SK is the signing (secret) key
Sign(SK, M) → sig: Sign the message M using the signing key SK to produce the signature sig
Verify(PK, M, sig) → {0, 1}: Verify the signature sig on message M using the verify key PK and output 1 if valid and 0 if invalid
Certificates: A signed attestation of identity
Trusted directory: One server holds all the keys, and everyone has the TD’s public key
Not scalable: Doesn’t work for billions of keys
Single point of failure: If the TD is hacked or is down, cryptography is broken
Certificate authorities: Delegated trust from a pool of multiple root CAs
Root CAs can sign certificates for intermediate CAs
Revocation: Certificates contain an expiration date
Revocation: CAs sign a list of revoked certificates
password hashing
Store hashes of passwords so that you can verify a user’s identity without storing their password
Attackers can use brute-force attacks to learn passwords (especially when users use weak passwords)
Defense: Add a different salt for each user: A random, public value designed to make brute-force attacks harder
Offline attack: The attacker performs all the computation themselves
Defense: Use salted, slow hashes instead of unsalted, fast hashes
Online attack: The attacker interacts with the service
Defense: Use timeouts
other hashing applications
Last updated